Premium Apps Installation Guide

The Splunk Operator automates the installation of Enterprise Security (ES) with support for other premium apps coming in the future releases. This page documents the prerequisites, installation steps, troublshooting steps, and limitations of deploying premium apps using the Splunk Operator.

Enterprise Security

Before you begin

  • You need the ability to utilize the Splunk Operator app framework method of installation.
  • You need the access to the Splunk ES app package.
  • ES support in Splunk Operator is starting from Splunk Operator Release 2.2.0 which requires Splunk Enterprise 9.0.3-a2 or later. Per the Splunk Enterprise and Enterprise Security version compatibility matrix, Splunk ES versions 7.1.0, 7.0.2, 7.0.1, 7.0.0 or 6.6.2 are supported currently.
  • You need to make sure pod resource specs meet the ES hardware requirements.
  • In the following sections, AWS S3 remote bucket is used for placing the splunk apps, but as given in the app framework doc, you can use Azure Blob remote buckets also.
  • You need to deploy add-ons to forwarders manually (or through your own methods).
  • You need to deploy Stream App manually
  • For ES version 7.1 or higher, Behavioral Analytics Service is unavailable for containerized Splunk deployments (supported for cloud releases only)

Supported Deployment Types

The architectures that support automated deployment of ES by using the Splunk Operator include:

  • Standalone Splunk Instance
  • Standalone Search Head with Indexer Cluster
  • Search Head Cluster with Indexer Cluster

Notably, if deploying a distributed search environment, the use of indexer clustering is required to ensure that the necessary ES-specific configuration is pushed to the indexers via the Cluster Manager.

What is and what is not automated by the Splunk Operator

The Splunk Operator installs the necessary ES components depending on the architecture specified by the applied CRDs.

Standalone Splunk Instance/ Standalone Search Heads

For Standalone Splunk instances and standalone search heads the Operator will install Splunk ES and all associated domain add-ons (DAs), and supporting add-ons (SAs).

Search Head Cluster

When installing ES in a Search Head Cluster, the Operator will perform the following tasks: 1) Install the splunk enterprise app in Deployer’s etc/apps directory. 2) Run the ES post install command essinstall that stages the Splunk ES and all associated domain add-ons (DAs) and supporting add-ons (SAs) to the etc/shcluster/apps. 3) Push the Search Head Cluster bundle from the deployer to all the SHs.

Indexer Cluster

When installing ES in an indexer clustering environment through the Splunk Operator it is necessary to manually extract and deploy the supplemental Splunk_TA_ForIndexers app from the ES package to the indexer cluster members via the cluster manager. This can be achieved using the AppFramework app deployment steps using appSources scope of “cluster”.

How to Install Enterprise Security using the Splunk Operator

Considerations for using the Splunk Operator

When crafting your Custom Resource(CR) to create a Splunk Enterprise Deployment it is necessary to take the following configurations into account.

appSources scope
  • When deploying ES to a Standalone or to a Search Head Cluster, it must be configured with an appSources scope of “premiumApps”.
  • When deploying the Splunk_TA_ForIndexers app to an Indexer Cluster, it must be configured with an appSources scope of “cluster”.
SSL Enablement

When you install ES versions 6.3.0 or higher, you must supply a value for the parameter ssl_enablement that is required by the ES post installation command essinstall. By default, if you don’t set any value for ssl_enablement, the value of strict is used which requires Splunk to have SSL enabled in web.conf (refer to setting enableSplunkWebSSL). The below table can be used for reference of available values of ssl enablement.

SSL mode Description
strict Default mode. Ensure that SSL is enabled in the web.conf configuration file to use this mode. Otherwise, the installer exists with an error. Note that for the SHC, the ES post install command essinstall is run on the deployer, and this command looks into web.conf files under etc/shcapps to validate that enableSplunkWebSSL is set to true or not. This is done with the assumption that you have already pushed a web.conf through etc/shcapps to all the SHC members.
auto Enables SSL in the etc/system/local/web.conf configuration file. This mode is not supported by SHC
ignore Ignores whether SSL is enabled or disabled. This option may be handy if you don’t want operator and essinstall to check SSL is enabled for Splunk web and continue ES installation without interruption. For example, you may have some processes outside of the operator where you are already checking that your Splunk deployment is web SSL enabled.

The operator uses the following CR spec parameters to install the ES app on Splunk:

scope - use premiumApps premiumAppsProps –> type: use enterpriseSecurity esDefaults –> sslEnablement: possible value ignore, auto or strict – please see more details ssl_enablement values in the table above.

        - name: esApp
          location: es_app/
          scope: premiumApps             
            type: enterpriseSecurity
              sslEnablement: ignore

Example YAMLs

In the following examples, you can find the YAML files for installing ES in a Splunk Standalone, Splunk SHC, and Indexer Cluster.

Install ES on a Standalone Splunk Instance

This example sets sslEnablement=ignore for a standalone CR. Change the setting to suit your requirements, either auto or strict. Before you use this example, copy the ES app package into the folder “security-team-apps/es_app” in your S3 bucket

kind: Standalone
  name: example
  replicas: 1
    appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 60
      volumeName: volume_app_repo
      scope: local
      - name: esApp
        location: es_app/
        scope: premiumApps
          type: enterpriseSecurity
             sslEnablement: ignore
      - name: volume_app_repo
        storageType: s3
        provider: aws
        path: security-team-apps/
        region: us-west-2
        secretRef: splunk-s3-secret

In order to use strict mode of sslEnablement, you can enable SSL on splunkd using the extraEnv variable SPLUNK_HTTP_ENABLESSL as shown below:

kind: Standalone
  name: example
      value : "true"
  replicas: 1
    appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 60
      volumeName: volume_app_repo
      scope: local
      - name: esApp
        location: es_app/
        scope: premiumApps
          type: enterpriseSecurity
             sslEnablement: strict
      - name: volume_app_repo
        storageType: s3
        provider: aws
        path: security-team-apps/
        region: us-west-2
        secretRef: splunk-s3-secret

Install ES on a Search Head Cluster and Indexer Cluster splunk deployment

Use the following steps to install ES on a Splunk deployment with an SHC integrated with Indexer Cluster:

  1. Downloaded ES app from and save the package in the S3 path security-team-apps/es-app
  2. Use kubectl to apply the following YAML file
  3. Wait for the SHC, CM, and Indexers pods are in ready state.
  4. Login to an SH and verify that ES App is installed.
  5. Extract the Splunk_TA_ForIndexers using the steps given here: []
  6. Upload the extracted Splunk_TA_ForIndexers package to the S3 bucket folder named “es_app_indexer_ta”

The operator will poll this bucket after configured appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds and install the Splunk_TA_ForIndexers.

Following example shows creating a Splunk deployment with a SHC, ClusterManager and a IndexerCluster. Note the difference between the values of “scope” property for the SHC and ClusterManager. For the SHC, scope is set to “premiumApps” whereas for the ClusterManager, scope is set to “cluster”

kind: SearchHeadCluster
  name: shc-es
    appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 60
      volumeName: volume_app_repo
      scope: local
      - name: esApp
        location: es_app/
        scope: premiumApps
          type: enterpriseSecurity
             sslEnablement: ignore
      - name: volume_app_repo
        storageType: s3
        provider: aws
        path: security-team-apps/
        region: us-west-2
        secretRef: splunk-s3-secret
    name: cm-es
kind: ClusterManager
  name: cm-es
    appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 60
      volumeName: volume_app_repo
      scope: local
      - name: esAppIndexer
        location: es_app_indexer_ta/
        scope: cluster
      - name: volume_app_repo
        storageType: s3
        provider: aws
        path: security-team-apps/
        region: us-west-2
        secretRef: splunk-s3-secret
kind: IndexerCluster
  name: idc-es
    name: cm-es
  replicas: 3

Consideration when using strict mode for “sslEnablement” in SHC

When using strict mode, the following additional steps are required so that the “splunk web ssl” is enabled for the SHC. These steps are necessary before you can install ES app with the strict mode of sslEnablement. Alternatively, if you are managing enableSplunkWebSSL setting outside of the Operator scope by pushing an app bundle through the deployer, then you can skip these steps.


  1. Create a SHC app (e.g., shccoreapp.spl) that contains a local/web.conf setting with enableSplunkWebSSL=true
  2. Place this app under security-team-apps/coreapps in your S3 bucket.
  3. Use the following YAML file as an example to deploy this app through app framework.

Following is an example to enable Splunk Web SSL through operator on SHC:

kind: SearchHeadCluster
  name: shcssl
      value : "true"
    appsRepoPollIntervalSeconds: 60
      volumeName: volume_app_repo
      scope: local
      - name: coreapps
        scope: cluster
        location: coreapps/
      - name: volume_app_repo
        storageType: s3
        provider: aws
        path: security-team-apps/
        region: us-west-2
        secretRef: splunk-s3-secret

Summary of Installation Steps

  1. Ensure that the ES app package is present in the specified AppFramework S3 location with the correct appSources scope. Additionally, if configuring an indexer cluster, ensure that the Splunk_TA_ForIndexers app is present in the ClusterManager AppFramework S3 location with the appSources “cluster” scope.

  2. Apply the specified custom resource(s), the Splunk Operator will handle installation and the environment will be ready to use once all pods are in the “Ready” state which may take upto 30 minutes. Please refer to the examples above for creating your YAML files.

Post Installation Configuration

After installing ES you have other steps to complete:

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade ES, move the new ES package into the specified AppFramework bucket. This will initiate a pod reset and begin the process of upgrading the new version. In indexer clustering environments, it is also necessary to move the new Splunk_TA_ForIndexers app to the Cluster Manager’s AppFramework bucket that deploys apps to cluster members.

  • The upgrade process will preserve any knowledge objects that exist in app local directories.

  • Be sure to check the ES upgrade notes for any version specific changes.


The following logs can be useful to check the ES app installation progress:

Splunk operator log:

kubectl logs <operator_pod_name>

Checking if there were any errors during ES install

ES post install failures: Log shows one or more entries with the following content: “premium scoped app package install failed” followed by (specific failure reasons show up here)

Example of error when you strict mode for sslEnablement and Splunk web is not SSL enabled

2022-12-07T00:17:36.780549729Z  ERROR   handleEsappPostinstall  premium scoped app package install failed   {"controller": "searchheadcluster", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "SearchHeadCluster", "SearchHeadCluster": {"name":"shc1","namespace":"default"}, "namespace": "default", "name": "shc1", "reconcileID": "83133a29-ca0d-46cc-9ae5-6f26385d4506", "name": "shc1", "namespace": "default", "pod": "splunk-shc1-deployer-0", "app name": "splunk-enterprise-security_702.spl", "stdout": "", "stderr": "FATAL: Error in 'essinstall' command: You must have SSL enabled to continue\n", "post install command": "/opt/splunk/bin/splunk search '| essinstall --ssl_enablement strict --deployment_type shc_deployer' -auth admin:`cat /mnt/splunk-secrets/password`", "failCount": 1, "error": "command terminated with exit code 17"}

To fix this error, you have one of the following options: 1) Enable splunk web SSL- details on the section Special consideration while using ssl enabled mode of strict in SHC 2) Or, use sslEnablement=ignore

Example of a connection timeout error:

2022-12-07T00:48:11.542927588Z	ERROR	handleEsappPostinstall	premium scoped app package install failed	{"controller": "searchheadcluster", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "SearchHeadCluster", "SearchHeadCluster": {"name":"shc1it","namespace":"default"}, "namespace": "default", "name": "shc1it", "reconcileID": "b34966a2-e716-428f-a0c6-7611812e6b24", "name": "shc1it", "namespace": "default", "pod": "splunk-shc1it-deployer-0", "app name": "splunk-enterprise-security_702.spl", "stdout": "", "stderr": "FATAL: Error in 'essinstall' command: (InstallException) \"install_apps\" stage failed - Splunkd daemon is not responding: ('Error connecting to /services/apps/shc/es_deployer: The read operation timed out',)\n", "post install command": "/opt/splunk/bin/splunk search '| essinstall --ssl_enablement ignore --deployment_type shc_deployer' -auth admin:`cat /mnt/splunk-secrets/password`", "failCount": 2, "error": "command terminated with exit code 17"}

To fix this error, check the following areas: 1) Check the splunkd log in the deployer pod for any issues. 2) Check the splunkdConnectionTimeout setting in web.conf.

Logs of the respective pods:

kubectl logs <pod_name>

Check the pod log (e.g deployer pod) in case you want to monitor the pod while it is coming up to ready state or it has gone to an error state.

Common issues that may be encountered are :

  • ES installation failed as you used default sslEnablement mode (“strict”) - enable Splunk Web SSL in web.conf. See the section Special consideration while using ssl enabled mode of strict in SHC
  • Ansible task timeouts - raise associated timeout (splunkdConnectionTimeout in web.conf, rcv_timeout, send_timeeout, cxn_timeeout etc values in server.conf)
  • Pod Recycles - raise livenessProbe value. More details on this at Health Check doc