Splunk Operator Advanced Installation

Downloading Installation YAML for modifications

If you want to customize the installation of the Splunk Operator, download a copy of the installation YAML locally, and open it in your favorite editor.

wget -O splunk-operator-cluster.yaml https://github.com/splunk/splunk-operator/releases/download/2.5.0/splunk-operator-cluster.yaml

Default Installation

Based on the file used Splunk Operator can be installed cluster-wide or namespace scoped. By default operator will be installed in splunk-operator namespace. User can change the default installation namespace by editing the manifest file splunk-operator-namespace.yaml or splunk-operator-cluster.yaml

By installing splunk-operator-cluster.yaml Operator will watch all the namespaces of your cluster for splunk enterprise custom resources

wget -O splunk-operator-cluster.yaml https://github.com/splunk/splunk-operator/releases/download/2.5.0/splunk-operator-cluster.yaml
kubectl apply -f splunk-operator-cluster.yaml

Install operator to watch multiple namespaces

If Splunk Operator is installed clusterwide and user wants to manage multiple namespaces, they must add the namespaces to the WATCH_NAMESPACE field with each namespace separated by a comma (,). Edit deployment splunk-operator-controller-manager-<podid> in splunk-operator namespace, set WATCH_NAMESPACE field to the namespace that needs to be monitored by Splunk Operator

        - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE
          value: "namespace1,namespace2"
          value: splunk/splunk:9.0.3-a2
        - name: OPERATOR_NAME
          value: splunk-operator
        - name: POD_NAME
              apiVersion: v1
              fieldPath: metadata.name

Install operator to watch single namespace with restrictive permission

In order to install operator with restrictive permission to watch only single namespace use splunk-operator-namespace.yaml. This will create Role and Role-Binding to only watch single namespace. By default operator will be installed in splunk-operator namespace, user can edit the file to change the namespace

wget -O splunk-operator-namespace.yaml https://github.com/splunk/splunk-operator/releases/download/2.5.0/splunk-operator-namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -f splunk-operator-namespace.yaml

Private Registries

If you plan to retag the container images as part of pushing it to a private registry, edit the manager container image parameter in the splunk-operator-controller-manager deployment to reference the appropriate image name.

# Replace this with the built image name
image: splunk/splunk-operator

If you are using a private registry for the Docker images, edit deployment splunk-operator-controller-manager-xxxx in splunk-operator namespace, set RELATED_IMAGE_SPLUNK_ENTERPRISE field splunk docker image path

        - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE
          value: "namespace1,namespace2"
          value: splunk/splunk:9.0.3-a2
        - name: OPERATOR_NAME
          value: splunk-operator
        - name: POD_NAME
              apiVersion: v1
              fieldPath: metadata.name

Cluster Domain

By default, the Splunk Operator will use a Kubernetes cluster domain of cluster.local to calculate the fully qualified domain names (FQDN) for each instance in your deployment. If you have configured a custom domain for your Kubernetes cluster, you can override the operator by adding a CLUSTER_DOMAIN environment variable to the operator’s deployment spec

  value: "mydomain.com"